*Sizes in mm.
The muck cars used for tunnelling, the related unloading systems, the segment cars, the men riding cars, the different types of flat cars, the mixers and in general all the wagons for transport on rail, although apparently simple, demand a serious creativity and engineering effort to find solutions for performance and dimensional problems.
In particular muck cars and related unloading procedure make up a relatively complex system which should be coordinated with the boring technique and which could have important consequences on the whole project. The different types of cars could be used also for mining.
VALENTE SPA tunnelling and mining diesel and electric locomotives are engineered and manufactured according to EU railway principles and the specific requests of our clients for dimensions, engines and performances.
In particular the protected and self-ventilated traction engines of the electric locos VALENTE SPA are specifically engineered for operating in extreme conditions with the possibility of supporting important overloads.
Tunnelling works require, very often, specialized types of equipment to carry out specific tasks.
With the experiences developed over the years, VALENTE SPA is able to satisfy practically every request if its clients.
VALENTE SPA probably has available the most complete selection of couplers for the different types of tunnelling needs, developed on the basis of its long experience in this sector.
VALENTE SPA also has normally available a large selection on wheels, bogies and axles for rails haulage.
The engineering and manufacturing of switches, turnouts and Californian Crossings for railways, for tunnelling and mining and, in general, for every rail transport related requirement, is one of the fields where VALENTE SPA can claim a long standing experience and tradition. Switches and turnouts are manufactured with all types of rails, both train and decauville, and according to the technical specifications and the placing conditions requested by the users.